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Our Plastic Free Promise


Our plastic free promise to you, is that you won’t find any plastic* in our products or packaging.   All our packaging is either recyclable or compostable too! 


*We must point out that there could be a tiny element of a type of plastic derived product within an adhesive, or ink somewhere in a label for example, product or packaging.  We are currently trying to minimise this and do use alternative products or vegetable based ink in some products and packaging.  Part of our mission is to eliminate all these types of plastic, however, this will take time.  You will never find any typical plastic though, we have even changed all our ribbon from polyester to paper or plant based, and our glue to a glue made from potato starch!


So, what do we mean when we say that we have gone plastic free?  Well, pretty much that.  We were using many plastic items in our packaging, and some items in our gift boxes, that were made of plastic.  We have swapped all our old plastic items for plastic free alternatives.


It is important to say that we do not expect you or anyone else to be plastic free, that would be way too hard, and some plastics we need, in fact they do an amazing job!  We are not completely plastic free in our home or office (although we do  try hard to reduce our usage), and we use a camera, computer and iPad to design our cards and gifts, as well as using many other items that contain plastic.  Our aim is simply to offer our products and packaging to you plastic free, to help make one less plastic gift in the world, and to do our bit to help reduce plastic pollution and encourage recycling. 


When we decided to go plastic free, we sought advice from the amazing charity Plastic Free Communities/Surfers Against Sewage.  We think they are pretty wonderful people who truly care about the impact plastic pollution has on us, wildlife and our planet.  They want to help tackle the single-use plastic crisis, so that’s the avoidable stuff that’s everywhere. Things like plastic packaging, plastic bags, plastic drinks bottles, disposable coffee cups, sachets, bathroom plastics, excessive food packaging, takeaway containers etc.  These are the things that have a huge impact on our environment and which we can make changes to eliminate.  But it doesn’t stop there, as there are many more items we can swap for plastic free alternatives.  Click on their logo's at the bottom of this page to go to their websites, and see for yourself all the amazing work they have been doing.  I have also put a pdf link for their booklet ‘Talking Points’  at the bottom, which they have kindly given me permission to share with you (it is only given to businesses), because I feel it contains some brilliant information that you will find fascinating!  I have learnt so much from them.


It has been a lengthy process sourcing new products and packaging that meet our needs, but we have finally done it, and won our Plastic Free Business Champion Award in 2023!


We were so proud to receive our Plastic Free Communities award.  We earned the award by eliminating some plastic items from our business and swapping them with plastic free alternatives.  However, we didn’t want to stop there, we decided to eliminate all plastic products and packaging!  


If you want more information about reducing plastic pollution, please do get in touch with the lovely people at Plastic Free Communities or contact your local environmental groups or council, to see what they are doing … joining in a beach or street clean up is a great way to help too!


We love to hear about new plastic free products and things you have done to help yourself, or your community, to reduce plastic pollution.  So please do get in touch and let us know or share it with us on our social media @sunnybankwishes.  


Even if you have made just one swap to say, cotton bags instead of plastic, that’s awesome, every little helps and deserves a huge congratulations from us!


Our Sustainability & Mission Statement

  • We will continue to make and sell plastic free products with plastic free packaging.

  • We will endeavour to use more vegetable based inks and remove all trace elements of other types pf plastic derived products over time, such as sticker adhesive etc as we are able to.

  • Our mission is to evolve into an even more environmentally friendly business over time, with a wider range and to help other businesses and people achieve this too.

  • Our goal is to help encourage other businesses and people to reduce their plastic pollution, and think about other ways they could help our environment, without being all preachy about it!  Every little helps!

  • We are committed to caring for our customers, staff and our planet.


Our hope for the future is to continue doing the following or work towards doing the following, if not doing so already:


  • eliminate even more waste and pollution

  • make our products more sustainable

  • be even more energy efficient

  • use clean energy sources

  • keep recycling everywhere possible

  • always treat our employees fairly

  • always be diverse and inclusive

  • partner with more sustainable companies


Why are we doing all this?


  • to preserve the environment

  • to protect the planet

  • to improve our community

  • to minimise our carbon footprint

  • to help future generations


As a very small business, we have made the decision to keep all our previous equipment and storage that is plastic, as it has many years of use left, and we do not want to add it to landfill when it can be used for a very long time.  We will be replacing any old equipment and storage (where appropriate) with plastic free, as and when we need to replace or add new equipment and storage. 


Click on the links below to find out more, and thank you for wanting to find out more, you are amazing!

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